Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wedding Card Wordings

Recca no Honno


Hanabishi Recca is a 16 year old fan of the ninja world and its history, about to set a goal to be one and protect his princess. One day he finds a group of youths harassing a girl and then face them in a fight, she thanks him heal his wounds with his powers. Surprised at his ability, Recca decides to become a ninja and protect her from any threat, and likewise shares with her the secret of his ability to control the fire. But as time goes strange things start to happen, beginning with the appearance of Kage Hoshi, a mysterious woman who requires Recca show his power as a ninja and manipulation of flames. Other events begin to occur, as the strange attitude of fukko, a childhood friend who starts to attack him mercilessly with strong gusts of air.
Later, Recca is discovering the truths of his past and who he really is, and the reason for having the powers of the flame. In will see different enemies to face towards fulfilling its objectives.


Known in the West as "Flame of Recca (Flame of Recca), a manga created by Nobuyuki Anzai and published in Weekly Shonen Sunday between 1995 and 2002, with a total of 329 chapters collected in 33 volumes published by Shogakukan. Viz Media handles distribution and sale in North America and Gollancz Manga in the UK.
This manga had a considerable success both in Japan and Europe, although no one knows almost nothing about this on in Central and South America. Something else to note about the manga is that it suffered any censure on their way through North America and other countries, but from volume 20 some details began to be removed (time female nudes).


Recca no Hono was adapted into anime in July 1997 by Studio Pirrot, ending its broadcast by Fuji TV in July 1998, after completing 42 episodes. Animax is also responsible for their issuance Japanese and Asian, while Pony Canyon and Geneon released the series on DVD.
Between October 2004 and January 2007, mid-loop dies Viz DVD volumes in North America. Specifically
there are many differences between the anime and manga, from the character design (hair color, etc) to certain points of the argument, for example, in the manga Yagani Recca cure wounds received in a fight and in anime heals after an accident in which her and saves her child. The ending is also different, we might specify that the animation reaches up to about chapter 154, adapted (as we assume) a different ending to that proposed in the manga.

Plot Details

historical context
While thematic round fantastic series, there is an interesting historical context in the series. The main character actually born 400 years ago, at the time of the great battles Oda Nobunaga in Japan. Recca series suggests that originally belonged to a ninja clan, the Hokage clan, of which nothing is known because of the destruction they suffered at the hands of Nobunaga, who wanted to destroy the great clan ninjas. To prevent Nobunaga soldiers took possession of their major weapons, the Hokage decided to fight without them and hide them, and taking almost all his secrets. Only a few members of the clan had the gift to control the fire and were generally the leaders.

Unlike other ninja clans, clan members lacked the ability hokage physical combat, and to hide, but had a great ability, who was intelligence. With their knowledge created a series of devices called Madougus that give the wearer great powers.
Here I leave a list of madougus named in the series (manga).

Fuujin: wind element. You can create great gusts of wind. The central crystal has the most power and those around you are a booster in case the missing central. You can put other madougus central space for combined techniques.

Ensui: water element. A device that gives its wearer the power to control water in its different states, even create a sword.

Dosei no Wa: Saturn ring considerably increases the user's physical strength.

Sekichu: rock element. It is a defensive weapon that surrounds the body of its possessor with rocks forming armor.

Kushubashi Ow: element peak. Is a clamp with a chain that moves in different directions depending on user's desire.

Hizanu: wind element. Create wings to allow the flight to the user. The feathers can be used as knives.

Ball Enkai: element spare. Enables its possessor to see through objects and even observe people or scenes no matter how far they are. Also to travel through the shadows.

Katakugutsu: Lets give life to inanimate objects (dolls) and control them with strings.

Kouga Anki: a weapon to take multiple layers of 5 different ways, plus a sixth form illusory. It is owned by Kaoru Koganei.

Bakuyu: madougu as a mask. Has free will, takes over the body of its owner and consumes his mind to kill him and uses only his body.

Hyouma in: madougu ensui brother. You can also control techniques related to water, but unlike ensui this madougu demands blood in exchange for using his power.

Tetsugan: a madougu used within the body of user. Reinforces the user's body, making it exceedingly resistant to physical attacks.

Oni no Tsume: element claw. It has 5 blades sharp.

Mikoto: a puppet madougu layers carrying a person inside. Its owner can manipulate both outside and within him, and also has two defensive fans.

Kodama: plants grown within the user, which can grow outside the body and is used in both attack and defense.

Fukyo Waon: flute is a devastating attacks create layers of sound waves moving.

Taishaku Kaiten: Allows users to manipulate gravity in a given space radio.

Majigen: bodies and to manipulate objects at a distance and even create alternate dimensions where you control them.

Morning Star: a large mass of high impact peaks, with a long string string.

Raijin: madougu able to generate an electric shock.

Maguma: six claws easily maneuverable that fit the user's physical.

Oboro, a mantle which cancels the reflection of light and allows the user to be invisible to the eyes of his opponent.

Kaigetsu: A blade similar to the curves tool Egyptian allows attacks from different angles.

Kotodama: change words by illusions. Everything you say will see your username at the top of his opponent.

Idaten: Used in the feet. Increase user speed and endurance.

Mugen: a powerful device that reduces the size of objects or people, and also allows users to "fade."

Shikigami: the weapon of hair. Lets you convert tufts or strands of hair on arms, as a needles, is a lower level madougu used by assassins. It can also be used with other materials, like paper.

Dokumashin: 5 claws that are used subject to the fingers. Have a powerful paralytic poison that kills the victim within 10 minutes.

Tendou Jigoku: Considered the most powerful and dangerous of madougus, gives its user great power and eternal life.

Houkishin: a long-range madougu clamp element.

Nisebi: created by those envied the power that they controlled the flame. Mimics and recreates the power of the flame.

Houmashin: cannon volved with human bodies using souls as ammunition.

Tamasu no tsubo: an urn with which the user can lock up their opponents.

Shingin: a ring layers to read the hearts of people. The user can also make someone more hearing your own heart.

Koukai Gyoku: light element. A rarity even among madougus and difficult to manipulate a device. You can clear (literally) any object or creature that short, but in exchange for his power, any possession of the user of the same value is also deleted. Is the pair (brother) of the ball Ekai

The 8 Dragons
When Recca Tekko is removed from his arm (which sealed their flames) in a given moment in history, all the power that kept sealed within him released, showing the true shape of the flame. There were 8 dragons, which were human at the time. The reason why they were turned into dragons and subsequently sealed is because the 8 died without being able to protect those they loved. Each dragon has a name and a special power related to the fire. The powers of these Dragons even be merged.

Saiha: A dragon layers into a large knife protruding from Tekko of Recca, for attacks at close range.

Swimming: A dragon layers to create multiple fireballs and shooting distance.

Homura: A dragon that gives a whip of flame Recca.

Setsuna: The dragon more contentious because of its wild and ruthless. It has no eyes, just a huge eye opening to attack only when they see his own appearance reflected in the eyes of your opponent, it will push objects instantly. In life he was born blind and was banished by the Hokage cruel because of his attitude and even kill members of the clan.

Madoka: A dragon layers create powerful barriers to fire.

Rui: This is a dragon layers to create illusions . In life she was a woman who used her good looks and different disguises to deceive their victims, eventually even people forgot his real appearance, which is called "formless."

Kokuu: first appears as an old man giving advice to the protagonist and fondling women XD. His powers allow lodges to Recca not be relied on, you can create and shoot extremely destructive beams of fire.

Resshin: The leader of the 8 dragons and stronger. (Do not add more because it goes spoiler ^ ^)


Hanabishi Recca
Age: 16 / 416
Date of birth: August 27
A 16-year-old ninja fanatic with the world and their techniques, so far as to steal her father's fireworks to be used as weapons in their fights. He is very enthusiastic and friends said something stupid XD. His life changes when she meets Yanagi, a girl of the same institute that has healing abilities. Recca later discovered that he was actually born 400 years ago and is part of the last generation of the Hokage, a ninja clan that was known for his powerful arms and control over the fire, which would explain Recca powers to manipulate fire. Tekko carries a right arm that represses its power. His name has the form of 8 Dragons (explanations below).

Sakoshita Yanagi
Date of birth:?
A girl who attends the same high school that Recca and has healing abilities. Since Recca cured, it has become in your ninja, being considered for Hime (Princess). His powers attracted the attention of Kouran Mori, a greedy businessman who wants eternal life and Yanagi sees the ability to realize their desires. For this reason Yanagi is in constant danger, with Recca and his companions, his only protection.

Kirisawa fukko
Age: 16
Date of birth: August 2
Amiga Recca's childhood. It's as fission and fighting ninjas and Recca. Get angry knowing that Hime Recca has a principle to protect and create Yanagi who defeated him in a fight. To confirm your error and notice a connection between Recca and Yanagi, (and after certain incidents) become good friends. She is very masculine in their speech and action. A mysterious woman named Kage Hoshi given a madougu: the Fuujin.

Domon Ishijima
Age: 18
Date of Birth: May 5
Companion Recca fights, not to say that trying to kill him to death all the time XD. Fukko is good friends, who is in love. It is very impulsive and has a great strength physics, which is reinforced by the Dosei no Wa (Ring of Saturn). This madougu was presented by Kage Hoshi (though he did not realize that he had put XP).

Mikagami Tokiya
Age: 16
Date of birth: November 13
A cold and calculating young man who knows for Recca and Yanagi Hoshi Kage intermediate. It has a modugu: Ensui, which allows water to form a sword and control all states of the same (liquid, solid, gas). It is very reserved and quiet, which makes contrast with other main characters. His goal is revenge on the murderers of his sister, Mifuyuu. By knowing Recca, warns him that if you approach Yanagi, she would be in danger and should stay away from her, which is somewhat true, but its interest lies in getting closer to her by her physical similarity to his sister.

Kage Houshi / Kagero
Age: 22 / 422
Date of birth:?
A mysterious woman who appears to Recca to confirm their ability to control the flame. To confirm their suspicions, this character recurrently appears before fellow Recca and delivers a number of artifacts (madougus) to make them prueva and prepare for future conflicts to be faced.

Kagero actually is Recca's mother, who sent in a time portal to prevent soldiers from being killed Nobunaga. As a result, she can not die and spent the last 400 years wandering the world, hoping one day to find his son, and how am descended from his immortality.
End Spoiler

Tetesako Fumio
Recca Professor of History. Like the protagonist, takes great interest in the ninja clan, specifically in the Hokage clan. It Recca who gives first information about this clan almost unknown. Due to the vast information it has on the Hokage, is kidnapped by the man of Mori.

Mori Kouran
is a greedy businessman, owner of a large fortune. It has a special group of murderers for safekeeping and achieve various objectives, called "Jyushinshuu" . Time, their greatest wish is to be immortal, which believes that Yanagi skills are key to achieving this. It has a large number of madougus, which are distributed among its strongest men.

Mori's adopted son and Gerrard more powerful. It is the largest of Recca brother, who was absorbed into the portal Kagero and transported to the future but at a different place. He was raised and trained to fight without emotions, which always has a blank mask. Is capable of controlling the flame, which has the form of a winged woman: Kurenai. Its objective is to kill Recca by an old grudge, to be illegitimate son of the leader of the Hokage, he was considered a bad omen and banished from the clan, for it sees as the reason Recca which prevented recognition as successor to the clan leader . Despite her cold attitude, distant and cruel, it also has a good side and a past that slowly are revealed.

Kaoru Koganei
A child accompanying Qurei, who has a very special sibling relationship. Involved the kidnapping of Tatesako and Yanagi. Is a candidate to enter the "Uruha" (explanation below) and considered a child genius by the ease with which to manage the Kouga Anki, a madougu that requires much knowledge and speed to use. Despite his relationship with Qurei, does not approve what they do with the kidnap Yanagi become suspicious of their attitudes.

Nagai Mokuren
A nasty man who likes to kill women and even tax their cries. Kodama madougu holds that lets you manage a large element of wood and plants. It is a Jyushinshuu sent to kidnap Tatesako Koganei and Yanagi.

Katashiro Reira
is one of the Jyushinshuu of Mori, is responsible for arresting Recca and the others in the house to prevent them from Yanagi. Katakugutsu owns.

One of the warriors of Qurei, who knows if it is part of Uruha or is a Jyushinshuu since sige their own interests, self-proclaimed ideal of freedom that he even Kurei pleasing. Kaiten Taishaku owns.

A terrible woman, dirty and deceitful attitude. It specializes in managing madougus puppets, within which is hidden to face their opponents. It is a Dokumashin Jyushinshuu and owns and Mikoto, a madougu of the same name.

These murderers who are under specific orders Qurei.

member and one of the most important female characters in the series. It used to be part of the easement Mori's mansion, but he enlisted tested for the Uruha to be useful to Qurei, whom he has a great appreciation and respect. Waon Fukyo owns.

Apparently Uruha member nearest Kurei about personal issues. Is shown as a gentle man and even something childish and carefree. The truth is that it is one of the most powerful warriors who are amongst the murderers of Uruha and Mori. Raijin owns.

Although not seen much of this character, constantly emphasize their strength and fidelity to Qurei.
The oldest member of the Uruha. Unlike other members, feel no sympathy for Qurei, in fact hates and hopes one day to kill himself. Is in charge of investigations and laboratory experiments of Mori, but also conducts its own projects. Has the mugen.


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