Monday, March 7, 2011

Where To Buy Remington Straightener

posted speed limit

signal indicates
Well, first of all, I take to invite you want to read my product: seems cemetery ... , a blog where I will put miniature pictures, videos, and all those Conas I like both.

Now, go to the heart of the matter: the government has decided to reduce the speed limit to 110km / h. according to them to prevent accidents. I laugh in advance.

Let's get this situation with other countries: U.S., several states have 120km/ho more. Italy has risen. France is higher. Germany has several roads without limit. And the straw that broke the camel is that the Netherlands has risen to 130km / h for the same reason here has dropped.

No wonder that in such cases say "comparison between a people and a country of sheep." Although neither the Quico will ignore the new signs, including those used for papering rooms, it seems a sovereign bullshit.

That will save a lot and all that, but people have (or is supposed) sense enough to know what suits her, whether to accelerate or go and spend more calm. At this rate, I'll go to pull my card, I will go faster walk.


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