The animated series was produced by Sunrise, Inc. directed by Masakazu Obara and written by Hiroyuki Yoshino. The chapters are broadcast on TV Tokyo from September 2004 until March 2005. Belongs to the genre of comedy-drama focuses on the lives of Hime, girls with magical powers, and are being assembled in the Fuuka Academy for a hidden purpose.
There is also a manga, which tells a different story. There was also a second season, which was published in anime and manga, repeating the idea of \u200b\u200btwo parallel stories.
HiME is short for "Highly-Advanced Materializing Equipment" and refers to women who have the ability to materialize objects from the photons (and "Hime" means "princess" in Japanese). The HiME have a birthmark identical.
Mai Otome
Mai Hime The success was followed by a sequel entitled Mai Otome, or Z-Hime. This sequel has new protagonist, which highlights Arika Yumemiya, having the objective of convertirce in Otome, protectors of royalty. This saga is an alternate story to the world of Mai and other Himes.
consists of 26 chapters released in Japan on October 6, 2005 until March 30, 2006. OVAs
The November 24, 2006, in Japan, came to market four OVAs that are close to everything known about this series. The plot centers on Mai and Arika Tokiha Yumemiya, who must fight a new level enemy that threatens the existence of the Otome.
Powers and creatures
Keys: is the name given to people in contact with Hime, Childs can activate them (usually men).
Mai Tokiha
is a very trusting person , does not hesitate to talk about their problems and what you think. Is a freshman in high-class, working in a restaurant and takes care of Takumi, his younger brother.
think is layered rings of fire around his wrists and ankles that help create shields and pillars of fire. Your Child Kagutsuchi called, who can change shape and control the fire.
Minagi Mikoto
is in third grade to the middle class. Likes Mai, and is seen walking with him or hanging from it. With respect to physical strength, is the strongest of the HIME, and also has a sword called Miroku, which is very resistant and can make huge cuts.
Natsuki Kuga
serious and lonely girl. He prefers to work alone but it helps Mai on several occasions. Also works with Kaiji and Yamada to complete their missions. His mother died in an accident caused by the "First District", and seeks vengarce. His "Element" is a pair of short-barreled guns that shoot bullets elementary. Has a named Child Dhura.
Sugiura Midori
Akira Okuzaki
Takumi's roommate. It has a very strong personality and will. It's actually a girl passing by man, and belong to a ninja clan, you must keep secret and kill anyone who is discovered. Your Child is a metal frog with fire powers. She can materialize a weapon similar to a double kunai.
appears as a girl in class Mai and is the adopted daughter of Joseph Greer, the priest of the Academy. It is a Cyborg, who has a sword able to neutralize HIME powers and their Childs.
appears in the chorus of the Academy, is known for its beautiful and you are often called "golden angel." Rarely speaks and is an artificial HIME known HIME as false, capable of invoking Orphans.'ll Child also has a loved Artemio. She was born to bring the "New Golden Age."
Mai's younger brother. Suffers from heart disease. Takumi as children laughed and corn to jump to save his mother, so he died shortly afterwards in hospital. Mai works hard to pay for medicine for his brother.
Fellow Mikoto. Often use their powers to steal money from the perverts. It is a Hime and called Julia Child, a spider that gives off an unbreakable material.
Higurashi Akane
working Amiga Midori and Mai. HIME is one that embodies a kind of tonfa, your Child will be called Harry, a panther yellowfin, who can absorb and grind inside their opponents.
is part of the student council. Personality is shy and very smart. It is a childhood friend of Haruka's older brother Suzushiro and Mikoto. He likes Mai, and use their confusion for acercarcele.
HIME is a Child which is a squid with snakes. Natsuki likes and is in his 3rd year of high school. is quite bossy and authoritarian.
An enigmatic character who shows a great evil to the Hime, especially in saying that they must kill each other. With his blood is capable of creating orphans. Its true objectives are revealed in "Mai Otome".
Director of Fuuka Academy. OCPA this job despite his young age and discovered that it is a very Hime and later in the series.
To read the manga
Mai Hime Link
Mai Otome Zhima Link
To watch anime
Mai Hime Mai Otome Link
Zhima Link
List of episodes
* *
1-This is a big problem for a lady
2 - Secrets after class? 3-Mai
Fire / Oath
4-star Wind Mischief
5-Rain ... Tears ...
Burning 6-7-17 years
Kittens lost something important
8-9-Maidens Sea and the secret of Natsuki
10 -¡¡¡¡ Cakes War!!
11-Battle between light and darkness
Angelic Smile 12-13-The night of Tamayura
14-goal, 15-Girl
academy high school through the galaxy
16-17-Liars Parade lips
18 - Top
19-Maze in the heart
20-Dance of Fire / Fate of tears
21-You, the dark, time to wake
collapses ...
22-23-Love and friendship, without regard
24-Love is a
battle 25-About the time the 26-day target
Bright Music
· Shining Days by Minami Kuribayashi .
· Refrigerator ending Crossroad / Endless Crossroad
· Owari no Nai Crossroad by Yuki Kajiura (Episode 26).
· You were the Sky by Aki Misato (Episodes 1-14, 16-25).
· It's Only the Fairy Tale by Miyamura Yuko (Episode 15).
· Shining Days by Minami Kuribayashi (Episode 26).