(also often seen as APH)
Web length comic, June 2003 and continues to publish today
is a 4-Koma manga created by Hidekaz Himaruya originally as a web comic, which chronicles various events historical-comedic parody travez anthropomorphic representations (and highly stereotypical) of different countries.
The main plot is set in the era of world wars, interlaced with scenes of past and present.
The manga takes its name from a pun, which mixes "hetare" (meaning useless) with Italy. Argument
The main story of the manga enfonca first and second world war. Start with Germany in the Italian territory, expecting to meet the fearsome descendant of the Roman Empire, and finally finding that Italy is totally the opposite. German hostage taking scary Italy, but ends up wanting to get rid of it. Finally, the insistence that Italy will become allies in the war.
also included segments from "Chibitalia" which tells the childhood of Italy, and his life under the rule of Austria in the house of the Holy Roman Empire.
Web Comic and Manga
The manga published in March and December 2008 in two volumes Gentosha comics consist of adaptation and compilation of the main story and several extra stories. Many of the original strips were redrawn and / or changed slightly to the manga version. Includes pages to color and a special Hetalia Gakuen Based on the second volume *
On the web comic is still published today in the form of strips 4-koma, loose drawings and jokes (with explanatory captions Event which relate). Fansub
There are several dealing with translating these strips *
Anime and Drama CD
currently has several Drama Cd and anime version of 26 chapters of 5 minutes each, and expected a second season (26 chapters also ). The anime is based on the volume 1 of the manga version published but also included some scenes from the web comic (corresponding to a subplot).
television broadcasting the anime was canceled apparently due to protests in South Korea against the anime, they found offensive stereotype of your country. However, the anime continued to broadcast through other means (Internet, and apparently in Japan can be seen in Cell) Gakuen
Hetalia and strips
lost Game created by the author and uploaded to the website as a Demo. Developed in an alternate universe where the countries listed in the manga and other exclusive game, are students at a multicultural school.
The game works like a dating sim where the character you control is Seychelles (info: A group of islands in the Indian Ocean - Wikipedia -). The game was never completed, and the images were deleted from the web, but are available on the Internet.
As the manga originally ran as a manga online, where the author strips ascended to a website, there are some strips Once they were published, and then deleted by the author, or just decided not to include in future releases. The fans have been recovered and translated some, but nothing says they are original.
Characters *** Disclaimer N ote human names are not used Never in the manga or anime. but they were given officially by the author of the series and are often used by the fandom ***
Axis Powers (Axis countries)
North Italy (Venetian - Northern Italy)
human name: Feliciano Vargas
The main character la serie. Es alegre, adora a la pasta y a las mujeres, y nunca deja de lado la hora de la siesta. Es un personaje muy lloron que no dudara en suplicar por su vida y rendirse ante alguien más fuerte. Por Otro lado, es una gran artista, adora dibujar y cantar y es un gran diseñador.
Admira mucho a Alemania, pero casi nunca sigue sus instrucciones y consejos.
Tiene una risa extraña.
Su hermano representa a Italia del Sur
nombre humano: Ludwig
Es muy serio, le da mucha importancia a lo que hace y le gusta el orden y ve como algo muy importante seguir las reglas. por eso tiene una relacion dificil with Italy, but eventually always goes to his aid when problems arise.
much is manual and guide books when you do not know what to do. Tends to be rather pessimistic. He loves hot dogs and beer and their hobby is walking their dogs (?)
Japan (Japan)
human name: Honda Kiku
is calm and quiet. For years he was away from the outside world is surprised why habits of Western culture. Although most of the time it behaves like an old has a facet Otaku. Often ambiguous responses to side with someone rather than give his own opinion (especially when dealing with those who know less)
Allied Forces (Allied Forces)
America (USA)
human name: Alfred F. Jones
is totally obsessed with being the Hero. It is very cheerful and energetic, and pose a huge force (which seems not to notice). Is very stupid ideas and always autoconvense you have the reason and what he does right. Almost never realize the reality or seriousness of the situation and gives other problems
their economic problems affecting other countries. Inherited bad taste in the food of England. One of his hobbies is to (re) making movies.
He befriends an alien (Tony) that its head of state to hide (haha). Loves burgers.
* on behalf of the Country: The author named as America, although it is clear that only represents the United States. So sometimes is translated as USA (United State of America)
England / UK (England - UK)
human name: Arthur Kirkland
is very stubborn, easily angered (the Tsundere author calls it). It is very pugnacious (Proclamation to several countries as their colonies, in the past made deals with the pirates and was mixed up in many legal activities)
is able to see all kinds of magical beings with whom he befriends. But like most think can not see this hallucinating. Also practiced spells and invocations
Te Adora. It has very bad habits with drinking Historioco
A Mutual hatred between him and France (in a scene threatens him with a second war of 100 years - wiki -). And America is resented for having independent - wiki -.
* the name of the country: He is appointed as England, but apparently is more representative of what would be the UK, often named as the UK (United Kingdom). But on occasion speaks of having older siblings (which could represent other countries of the UK)
France (France)
human name: Francis Bonnefoy
Añora his past as a great nation.
is a great cook and lover of culture. He likes to express his love (in very clear and direct), does not mind sex, age or nationality. Take
different opportunities to get naked, like to tinker and others to other nations (only web-comic)
His bad relationship with England comes to the point of avoiding the use of English
China (China)
human name: Wang Yao
One of the oldest nations. It is very direct, not like things to be searched.
has villas throughout the world.
wanted to act like a big brother for Japan and Korea, but ended up attacking Japanese and Korean continues to harass.
This angry with England over the issue of Opium - Wikipedia -
Love Hello Kitty. And he makes friends with a fat man dressed in a suit by a copy of Kitty (Shinatty-chan)
ends his sentences with the suffix-Aru-
Russia (Russia)
human name: Ivan Braginski
His character is odd, the product of his turbulent childhood.
Causes fear to others, that can be very cruel and sadistic, but also very innocent.
When angry begins to recite KolKolKolKol-referring to - wiki - Adora
Vodka and sunflowers. We would like everyone to join him.
you like to have under his control again lithuania
on the name of the country: Many of the strips is not only Russia but the Soviet Union
has two sisters, Belarus (Belarus) and Ukraine (Ukraine)
Spain (Spain)
human name: Antonio Fernández Carriedo
is very cheerful and optimistic, sometimes has trouble understanding the situation. In the past had much power. He loves tomatoes. During its expansion
navy was attacked by pirates sent (secretly) by England
South Italy (Romano - Italy South)
human name: LovinoVargas
Like his brother is pretty scary, but avoids prove it, besides having a more confrontational attitude. Get angry easily. Unlike his brother is not a great artist, and often use a more vulgar language. He spent his childhood in Spain
Hungary (Hungary)
human name: Elizabeta Hedervary
A great warrior, most of the time acts like a lady, but does not hesitate to use force if necessary (or if one-Prussian cof cof * *- messes with Austria).
His weapon of choice is a pan. And he likes the yaoi
Austria (Austria)
human name: Roderich Edelstein
is a very serious gentleman, very arrogant attitude, and without doubt critical attitudes deemed inappropriate. A great musician. It is very greedy
Prussia (Prussia)
human name: Gilbert beilschmildt
is very warlike, wants to get stronger and gain more territory. Austria likes
disturbing is the older brother of Germany (which he calls West)
Canada (Canada)
human name: Matthew Williams.
has many difficulties and often noted JOINING confused with his brother america (which brings many problems.) He is quiet and does not like the battles. A pet a polar bear (Kumajiro)
De Cuba
very cheerful personality. Does not get anything right with America (USA) but has a good relationship with Canada (even though sometimes confuse this with his brother and attack)
Poland (Poland)
human name: Feliks Lukasiewicz
Somewhat slow to understand things and worse also quite impulsive. It is shy with strangers. Apparently the author had originally intended as a female character, so that sometimes appears in women's clothes. Speaking style used various catch phrases "as that such a thing" or "fully "
has a great friendship with Lithuania (which he calls Liet)
Lithuania (Lithuania)
human name: Toris Lorinaitis
In the past, controls large parts of Europe, until it fell under the control of Russia (who loves terrify him suffer and despite wanting to).
is the largest of the Baltic nations. Is very close to Poland
Latvia (Latvia)
human name: Galante Raivis
Very nervous and tearful. He has a lot of fear of Russia
the youngest of the Baltic nations
Estonia (Estonia)
human name: Eduard von Bock
is that it has had more luck and independence from the Baltic nations. Have enough confidence in himself
Finland (Finland)
human name: Tino (Väinämöinen?)
is a nice person and likes to talk, but is rather nervous. Sweden calls it "his wife" to the horror of this
Sweden (Sweden)
human name: Berwald Oxenstierna
Difficulty expressing their feelings and their expression causes fear to others even without malicious intent. Is expressed in short sentences and in a very direct language, without going into details (which sometimes makes it difficult to understand.) Consider
Finland's and his wife, even though
denies this
Switzerland (Switzerland)
human name: Vash Zwingli
A sociable little nation, does not like nor extranjeron nonsense. Take
Lietchestein low if care, becoming a sort of big brother.
Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein)
is calm and intelligent. Paso a time of great poverty, but could get by with the help of Switzerland, who became a sister.
Greece (Greece)
human name: Heracles Karpusi
seems serious, but his nature is calm and somewhat neglected. Loves cats. No leads to no good to Turkey
Turkey (Turkey)
His face can never be clearly seen. It's nice, but stubborn about some things. love the competitions.
country: Represents a micronation, where they live more than 5 people! XD. (I invite you to read about it in Wikipedia that is really interesting) was formerly a British naval base, but declared itself as a country, although it was not really accepted as one.
Belarus (Belarus) Russian
younger sister, whom he loves deeply. What most want is to marry (to the point harass and cause fear) has a very powerful dark atmosphere.
Ukraine (Ukraine)
Russia's older sister, is quite tearful and often have many problems. Russia has the scarf was a gift from her.
* Ancient Rome (Ancient Rome)
is the ancestor of many nations, very amorous and happy. At a time was a Graan empire.
Holy Roman Empire (Holy Roman Empire)
This love with Italy (although he thinks it is a girl)
northern Italy as a child. Is disturbed by brothers and other countries.
has very feminine ways, to the point that many think it is a girl
- Part of the information of the characters belong to these pages appeared in Volume 2, obtained from Livejournal Hetalia -
- Missing a lot of characters that show, but for now I will leave this list, because I think I have written as 30 characters and ... -
Manga English
http://sites.google.com/site/hetaliaindexes / Home
anime http://www.megavideo.com/?v=QDB1QZY6
Anime Online (English)
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 -
14 - 15 -
16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - Anime
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